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  • All New Custom Embroidery designs which are created by us will incur a one time setup fee charged at £15 per design area and per SIZE of design eg. Left Chest £15, Left Chest and Cap £30, Left Chest, Cap and Back £45)

  • All New Custom Vector Artwork Designs which are created by us will incur a one time setup fee charged at £15 per DESIGN

  • Garment and Item Prices on this website include some decoration Including 1 single standard Left Chest Embroidered Logo, 1 single Cap Embroidery or Print or a Left Chest and Large Back Print (Teddies include the Embroidery on the Belly and do not incur a design fee unless you require a specific logo to be added into the design which we do not already have on file)

  • Caps which require Embroidered Logos that we do not already have on file will require a seperate Set up fee of £15 as these are digitised for embroidery differently

  • For More complex and detailed Large chest Embroidery and Any Back Embroidery, costs are additional and will be charged at £15 (This will cover most Back Embroidery costs)

  • Standard font for both Print and Embroidery has a free set-up

  • Orders must be paid for at the time of ordering before we start to process your order


if you have purchased this design fee as an individual item on this website before checking out, please select that option on the form when uploading your designs after your purchase so that you are not charged twice.


If you do not require our Design Service 

  • If your design files are ready, you will not need to pay a Design Fee, Please upload below or email your ready to Print Artwork or ready to embroider files for your Order to (please include your order Number and placement details if not using ther design upload form)

  • Artwork must be ready to print with a transparent background, we accept 300dpi in AI, PNG or PDF Print format.

  • Please ensure all font used during the designing process with apps like Canva have a ‘vector outline’ or have been through the ‘create outlines’ process in your design prep. Please ensure there are no backgrounds to your artwork. Any artwork or fonts which appear unsuitable when received will be discussed with you, prior to us processing your order.

  • Using background removers to create a PNG Transparent background for your image, such as Google BG remover, will leave a milky white edge when printing, which we will be unable to remove without a re-drawing fee.

  • Ready to Stitch Embroidery files can be provided to us but they must be in .EMB format (.DST, .PES are accepted but these are machine stitch files and cannot be edited or resized by us without damaging the quality of the stitch file, Please also provide the PDF of the stitch sequence and Thread colours)

  • Digital images for print and machine embroidery files can be purchased elsewhere such as on Etsy and provided to us at your own risk.

  • Please be aware that Large Back and Large Chest Embroidery stitch out Costs are estimated  at £15 until the stitch out file is designed (most Stitch outs for these areas cost £15 and the fee will cover almost every Large Embroidery)

  • Once your Artwork is set up ready for Print or Embroidery, There will be no Set-up costs to pay for any new orders which use the same designs as each item has some free decoration (Left chest Embroidery/Cap Embroidery/Left Chest & Back Print etc) but for any Large Chest or Back Embroidery required on any new orders, the correct stitch out fee will still apply


For all enquires or if you are unsure if you need to purchase a design fee, please email us your files and we can contact you to discuss your needs

Artwork & Embroidery Design Set up and Stitch out Fees

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